Hope for a better tomorrow

It's December, my favorite time of the year. Waking up to a cinnamon scented home every day has got us all in the festive mood already. Our Christmas tree has been dressed up from a few weeks ago. My 7 years old couldn't wait and since this year has been gloomy enough already having the happy tree out a few weeks earlier seemed like the obvious thing to do. It's tucked next to the fireplace and my cozy chair where I wish to sit, drink cocoa and day dream. I haven't been lucky to do that yet with my baby keeping me on my toes but I know I will.. someday. 

Here I am, with my sleeping baby in my laps thinking about what I look forward to in 2021. I feel uneasy and restless for some reason..

Yes, we are all looking forward to a much healthier, pandemic free life at least by mid or late 2021 but what did we learn in 2020? Was the message from the mother nature clear to each of us? 

Here's how I look at it. In 2020, each one of us were forced to abruptly halt the vicious yet comfortable (meaningless?)routines we created for ourselves including the then seemingly unavoidable commutes and business or leisurely travels. We lived in an illusion, as we always do, that we are in control of everything. It crushed our ego and threatened to take away the most endearing trait of human race..our need to socialize with one another. No pandemics, wars or epidemics in the past have prevented us from comforting each other. On the contrary, I would like to believe that one of the reasons we humans were able to survive all the past happenings because we could be there for each other physically. Our ability to hug each other in the trying times, to socialize, to mourn together our dear ones' losses, to shelter together during the natural calamities.. All of this helped us to be strong mentally, emotionally and thus physically and survive all odds that were thrown in our way.

However, this year we were even deprived of that. What does this mean?

Are we bearing the consequences of the plethora of sins we've committed.. in the name of  growth, the way we have sucked the life out of our dear planet for centuries?  Is this our final wake up call?

I would think it is. However, do we repent our actions enough to work towards healing our planet?  Are our nations, governments, companies alarmed enough by the lasting effects of this pandemic, forest fires and other global warming effects we faced this year? Are they now taking desperate measures towards having more planet friendly, realistic and sustainable goals/ products/ processes? Have we as a society now grown to be more mindful of our needs?

Me and my better half often talk about this. Our guilt-ridden selves are taking baby steps towards being mindful in our purchases and lifestyle. It's been a few years since we began this journey. Avoiding plastic/anything wrapped in plastic whenever possible, shopping from local farmers, using soap bars than bottled soaps/detergents, growing vegetables, looking out for used toys, books, furniture in the community forums before indulging into new purchases and most importantly asking ourselves "do we really need this? " as often as we can. These are just some of the things from our list. I am also aware that this is just a drop in the ocean compared to the dramatic lifestyle changes we will be forced to adapt to in the coming years.. but hey something is better than nothing right?
We are being conscious and thoughtful each passing day. We hope to have bigger goals than this for the sake of our planet because honestly, we have no choice. None of us will very soon.

So let's all be conscious together so there is a hope for a greener tomorrow for our little ones!
Life is beautiful and it will be always as long as our actions are driven by love and empathy not just towards each other but also towards this wonderful little planet and its beings🌍

A picture below just to end this on a joyful note! ( Baby's also contemplating ;) )

A doodle I drew on Earth's day 2020! 


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