Untold stories

There is chaos even beneath the most smiling face; there is a soul screaming it can't pretend anymore.
Behind many such stoic visage lie enormous waves of emotions that're struggling to get to the shore.

Every soul here has an untold story,
a story of failure or heartbreak, a story of misery or glory.

It's restless to be free, it's eager to be heard..
and yet it stays quiet with the fear of being judged.

It's waiting to be embraced wholeheartedly and showered with affection,
but yet it's afraid to free itself as it can't bear more rejection.

So it locks itself in a shell and puts on a face,
the one that goes with the norms of the society and keep up with the pace.

I hope this vicious cycle of pretension will someday break,
these broken hearts need love to survive, no more hatred they can take..

..and when this cycle breaks, peace will prevail,  souls free and bold.
The world will be a happier place, with loneliness non-existent and no stories untold.


  1. Too good Pooja...keep writing

  2. "and no stories untold"... Intriguing! Keep expressing.

  3. Brilliant! That's the one word that came to my mind after reading this! Keep writing.
    Love Asmita

  4. Wow!! Simply brilliant. Such deep thoughts at such young age. Bravo!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Khoop Chhaan! Jeete Raho, Likhte Raho!

  7. Finding your blog for the first time on the Summer road trip. As hard as I tried, I didn't get to everyone. I wonder if anyone ever does. I share your writing blog enjoyment. I am just finishing up a series of June Posts on summertime while growing up and how to recapture some of those moment this summer. Hope you have time to spend a few minutes and read some of them to gauge what the blog can be about and if it calls to you. Keep writing.

    1. Thank you, Stepheny for reading my blog. Can you please share me the link to your blog. I'd love to read your posts

  8. very true fect, Chaos beneath so many face. very sharp Observation. also like your old Lucky charm lady, always happy with limited needs. Satisfaction is biggest Mantra of Life.

  9. For the people who still chooses to understand about themselves and be self aware, your words hit that perfect yet raw note.


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