Big brother is watching you

The new cotton ball has us all wrapped around his tiny little especially. Every time I try to sneak out when *I think* he's sleeping, he will open his eyes and give a puzzled look as if he's asking "What the hell are you doing? Were to attempting to sneak out again.. really mom..after that many failed attempts? "
Ok ok, I know I sound crazy..he's only 2 months old but my sleep deprived brain has begun to hallucinate and I really think he enjoys my misery.
Anyway, this time the cherub really passed out from all the "drinking" and here I am not sleeping again. So blogging is what I'll do.

It's funny how someone so little can turn your life upside down. It gets overwhelming but small things make your realize why it's totally worth it. The most beautiful thing we are witnessing amidst the chaos is another wonderful bond in the making. The sibling bond. OMG! Big bro is in awe of every move the baby makes. The once so naughty boy has suddenly calmed down and become adult like. 

His favorite activity to do now is to come home and talk to the infant. Sometimes he's teaching him numbers and letters, other times just it's just a casual description of his day at school or complaining about having to go to soccer etc. Thanks to our baby, the big mystery is solved and we finally finally know what V does at school.

The other day V was explaining the baby what it feels like to walk. "Walking is fun. You can go places whenever you want..all those leg movements you are doing...all wrong. One leg needs to go forward while other stays see what I'm doing. Can you see? Don't worry, I'll teach you a bit of it everyday" :D
Yesterday while teaching him about colors I overheard "I understand it's too early for you to learn these things but you see when you go to school and your Kindergarten teacher teaches you, you'll already know everything because of me. You will learn faster. Thanks to your big brother 💪...but don't you bring your friends home and ask me to teach them. This is just for you" 

I won't was tough in the beginning more for V than anyone else. His world (his parents) suddenly had very less time for him, his mother stopped coming for pick ups and drop offs, he was expected to behave, to do it by himself, to "figure it out" for the same things that he once got help. Acting out, throwing tantrums no longer worked as no one was around to attend to them.
He rebelled a lot. It was hard..but finally things are smoothing out. This rebellious kid is slowly turning into a loving, concerned and beautiful big brother. His eyes twinkle when the baby smiles, he laughs with tears rolling out every time the baby farts or makes a funny face and he runs to fetch a diaper every time the baby needs a change.

"Big brother is watching you" from the best selling novel- 1984 caught rapid attention and became a catchy phrase worldwide! I agree with George Orwell's choice of other person in the world watches you like a big least holds true in this tiny nest of ours!


  1. Simply wow! Bestest big brother

  2. Awesome job Pooja! Seriously loved every bit of this write up. So adorable Vyomy..loads of love to him and our little cotton ball Varun😘

  3. It was great to read your experience Pooja, you have really become a pro with your writing... Awesome ! My best wishes & loads of happiness to your nest : -)

    1. Thank you, Prasad for your sweet comments and blessings! :)

  4. Thanks for sharing Pooja. I always said moms are superstars and you are one too and this bond will only strengthen with God's grace


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