We often find ourselves complaining about having no time to do the things we always wanted to - to begin those evening jogs that we've been postponing for months, to finish the book we were working on or just to hangout with our best friend in that new cafe down the street. It could be anything..but having no time was always the sole reason that put an end to them all.

Well! I think I finally found the secret to finding that extra time despite the busy, hectic, exhausting routine.

We don't have the time to do our favorite activity or hobby or basically just some quality time for ourselves because.. WE DON'T WANT IT ENOUGH! YES!! That's what it is! That simple!
I know it sounds cliche but we all know within that we are just being blatantly defiant about it the whole time! There! I said it.

As of today, the situation in our household (most of this could be true for any non celebrity households :P)is - a full time job, a demanding toddler who thinks we are his Genies who will obey every command that comes out of his cute mouth, the Indian motherly urge of cooking fresh meals *EVERY NIGHT* (apney pair pe kuradi marna is what it is) and household chores to deal with AND AND... wait a min, wait a min "NO HELP!!" Ah ha, that's right!!

In spite of this whirlpool of activities (work, parent duties, passport renewals, commute, chores) and frequent toddler tantrums, I have finally managed to somehow scrape through the week to find some light at the end of the tunnel and do some kind of hobby once in a while! It could be painting, cycling with my duo or sometimes just watching the grass grow :P
But I WILL find time for it- you know why, because I desperately want to.  It is finally on my AGENDA!!

MY POINT is when you say you don't have the time to practice your music, or finish the song you were writing or read a book with your kiddo, or cook a special meal for your boyfriend, you basically do not want it enough, it is not just yet on your priority list! If it was, you would have definitely had the "extra time"!

Go change your priorities..strike off some mundane chores of your list, just like I did, so that you can finally wipe off the dust on your guitar and strum some chords or hit the gym! The pile of dirty laundry can wait for the next day!

You know what are some of the things that I pulled off of my list- the need to look good (no make up policy has been ON for ages), folding clothes (it's inhumane to expect that clean clothes have to be folded the minute they are out of the dryer!!)

Sooo..GO.. do your favorite activity and DO IT NOW!!!
Life's is short!! - sorry for the hackneyed phrase but it's true, no kidding!

Life is also beautiful, see the picture below for confirmation :)

P.S: This blog post was written by sacrificing 1 golden hour of peaceful sleep. Do I regret it? Mmm..of course not!  Okay, now I am lying- I will regret it a lot tomorrow, but for now I am super happy (Just chill chill..just chill :))


  1. Nice post. Glad that you are able to find time for yoirself and thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  2. Thank you dear. It's an eye opener. Very well written.

  3. Very well written. You pen down your thoughts really well. Keep writing ��

  4. A very motivating post! Time to update the priority list.

  5. Actually I had wanted to read this article for last 2/3 days, but had no time ..You know!!!
    As usual you have penned down your thoughts straight from the heart!!👌👍

  6. Very well written Pooja. You know how to express your thoughts. Yeah true one needs to find time for what one wants to do if not then that desire is not strong enough 😊


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