Why was I born?

My mind wanders helplessly in the mighty whirlpool of thoughts,
what's the my purpose of my life.. why was I born?

Every brave step it takes towards unleashing this hidden truth,
the ruthless brain follows it everywhere like an unswerving sleuth.

It still struggles it's way out at night and whispers in my ears,
it says "I won't succumb to any pressure, emotions and fears.

It's fighting adamantly against every odds coming it's way,
the path it chose is hard, unforgiving, there's no  middle way.

Every human at some point goes through this intense war within,
only a few brave warriors have come back undefeated with a purpose worth living.

I hope someday, I can be among-st those warriors who can see through this luminous mist,
My mind will finally be at peace that day when it sees why I exist.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Superb!
    I could totally relate to it,
    The same thought bothers me a lot too, hoping to find the purpose soon!

  3. Nice exploration of one of those eternal questions "What am I here for?". May you always keep the question alive and may it dive you deeper and deeper into your being!
    Your bro, Amit


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