My little sister!

Gazing at the star studded sky, I'm waiting for this weird feeling to end,
as I cannot stop missing you my baby sister, my best friend!

Ever since you came into my life, my life started rockin'
you will always be my very first baby, my lil munchkin!
I still remember that day when I first held you in my arms,
I couldn't stop admiring your twinkly eyes and your angelic charm!

And then you, my angel, grew up to be my partner in crime,
my counselor, my best friend for a lifetime.
I still long for those endless chats together through out the nights..
and those hearty laughs and the crazy fights.
It's funny how I'd share with you my every silly thought,
all those moments together, darling, that I still I cherish a lot.

You're the one, sis, who could see through my smiling face and know I was sad,
you'd stand by me always on my good days as well as my bad.
You'd behave silly just to make me smile,
it's you and your selfless love that has made my life worthwhile.

And here I am now, thinking of you, your lovely smile and your beautiful heart,
and all I can do is, promise you that no matter the distance, we will never grow apart!

Love you always, Tonu! :*


  1. Truly beautiful.
    This one is definitely my favorite.
    Love you..
    Keep posting :)

  2. Although I am not blessed to have a sister as you do, the feelings are truly echoed through your writing .Keep it up ! :)

  3. Superb Pooja. Your words are so heart melting..missing my darling sisters after reading this. Loads of love to you. Keep writing!

  4. Thanks a lot for your comments :)

  5. lovely post Pooja... sisters are like friends... can relate to this :)


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