A date with myself!

So this Saturday, my baby spent time with his dad and I got the break I was longing for.

I'm not sure if it's because I spent hours studying Buddha paintings and getting the right expression on my canvas (I didn't get it right anyway :-/)  or something else but it's true that I found peace :)  

I ended my day at my favorite spot in our apartment complex, sitting on a lonely bench in the corner, facing a fountain and listening to the gushing sound of water along with the sleepy ducks in the pond.
The cool breeze, the sound of water and smell of grass altogether made me extremely happy and it I didn't know why!

Spending alone time in a quiet serene atmosphere is not my kinda thing..it has always made me feel lonely. Crowds, lights, chaos makes me feel alive even though I grew up in a peaceful, serene state like Goa.

I'm not sure why I enjoyed it this time.. (my talkative demanding toddler has something to do with it :P..or it really could be a sign from Buddha :) ) 

But yes!.. it's nice to go on a date with yourself once in a while!..to take a stroll alone on a cool windy evening and watch the evening shades of sky or go on a beach or to a cafe on a lazy morning ( that could be my next date idea ;))

This date could be anywhere but it has to be with you..just you!( someone you know very well..or you think you do :))


  1. You amaze me everytime you write. Very beautifully written Pooja, keep it up. Loads of love.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Asmita :)

  2. You amaze me everytime you write. Very beautifully written Pooja, keep it up. Loads of love.

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  4. Hi Pooja,
    Well done! I would say systematically carve out such times for you every week (and if possible every other day). These are essential times in my experience -- definitely not a luxury. I personally find great solace in going to the woods by myself every week for 3 hour for a hike. Keep going sister!

  5. Hi Pooja,
    Well done! I would say systematically carve out such times for you every week (and if possible every other day). These are essential times in my experience -- definitely not a luxury. I personally find great solace in going to the woods by myself every week for 3 hour for a hike. Keep going sister!


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