Mommy kangaroo living her dream! :)

Stay at home mum!!.. the idea thrilled me and I always wanted to be one! I couldn't wait.. But just like every other working mother, I had my set of doubts too! "What if  it's not as easy?.. What if I never get back to a job?"...and many such thoughts! But I'm glad they're all gone for now.

It feels wonderful..just wonderful to be around a miniature version of you running around the house, imitating your every move, looking for your constant attention and making you the center of their tiny world!

Those little feet taking wobbly steps around the house, dancing on the nursery rhymes, those out of the world baby laughs on the silliest things you could imagine, those tiny fingers pulling yours and showing you a plane outside the window..those random cute words sweeter than any song you ever heard makes you feel like you are in heaven! ( Even when you're smelling of milk and surrounded by filth..literally! half eaten crackers, fruit bits, dirty toys soaked in moisturizer,  shoes, clothes and what not :P)

Someday..not far away..these tiny little feet are going to grow big enough to fit his dad's shoes and this tiny little person (who'll be no longer tiny) will move out to begin a new chapter of his life!

So before this baby kangaroo jumps out of his Mommy's pouch, Mommy is going to jump and dance and sing and be a baby with him :)

I can finally happily say that I'm living my dream!!  
Cheers to motherhood! !! :))


  1. usual wonderfully written!!

  2. Nice...... Hv a gr8 time wid vyom.

  3. You speak your heart out... want to give u a tight hug.. keep writing..

  4. Touching.....magical moments n memories forever.....

  5. Very Good! Keep it up! ( Both writing as well as enjoying your moments with the Baby Kangaroo! )

  6. Good one Pooja.. Keep writing and keep living your dream...cheers

  7. Love reading your blogs..awesome.

  8. Amazing way of putting the whole feeling. Loved it!


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